Past & present è Future

• • • OUR POINT OF STRENGTH: solutions for to-day and for a sustainable future • • •


Our evolution is moving towards the use of renewable resources

The contact with nature, its cycles and its continuing transformation, combined with a philosophy of life based on respect for ourselves and for everything around us as part of a whole, drives us to deeply believe that only through a multidisciplinary approach scientific Research can help to reduce wastes, to promote applications of civil and industrial by-products, to use renewable biomass.

This is applicable not only to the field of industrial production but also in fields such as biology, medicine, engineering disciplines.

This conviction was born and raised our interest in innovative technologies with the aim of improving the production of intermediates and active ingredients for fine chemicals and specialty by extraction or by transformation of what may be available in nature as a byproduct or as a renewable resource. Our aim is also that of producing energy as added value by wastes and biomasses, without neglecting environmental remediation and wastewater treatment.

Studio di Consulenza Scientifica
dal 1984 • since 1984

Versione italiana

Oreste Piccolo

©S.C.S.O.P  2014   P. IVA 01660070135